How to auto book members

Available with any of the following subscriptions:
✓ Ultimate

Band Pencil's auto book member function allows you to get Band Pencil to automatically ask the next member if they are available if the previous member says they are not available.

To accompany this feature, you can build a preference order to save you having to add each individual member to an event and setting them as the backup. Learn more about building a preference order here.

How to set up a pending member:

  1. Assign your first member to the event
  2. Next, assign your backup member to the event
  3. Select the backup member and click the Automate button (game controller icon)
  4. A popup will appear. For the question Only ask this member for their availability if the following member say they are not available select the first member
  5. The backup member(s) will appear in the Pending Members table

What happens next?

  1. If the first member says they are available the backup member will not be asked*
  2. If the first member says they are not available the backup member will be sent a generic email asking them to submit their availability

Things to note:

  • You can chain as many backup members as you need, but only one members can be assigned to one person (e.g. the system cannot email two members off the outcome of one).
  • Members will not know they are first/second choice.
  • This function will only work if there is a valid email address (Band Pencil's temporary email address ( will not work so the member will not receive an automatic email) please make sure all your members have a valid email (you will receive an in app notification if the auto book fails).
  • Pending members will show as "Pending: Member Name" within the Band Builder.
  • By default when a member is set as pending, the event will not be visible to them. It is important you keep the event hidden so they do not see this event.
  • You will still be able to email pending members, so please check your emails carefully before sending.
  • *If the first member says they are available the pending member will remain assigned to the event as a pending member . You can delete this member when you're ready.
  • The auto book function will not be triggered when you manually set the member's availability and when the member changes their availability once already set.

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