With Band Pencil you can use our Auto Book feature to automatically ask the next member if the previous member states they're not available for an event. To accompany this feature, you can build a preference order to save you having to add each individual member to an event and setting them as the backup.
Preference orders are really simple to build and only take a minute or two.
Once you have set your group as a preference order you can add your members by clicking Add in the top-right. Once your members have been added, you now need to drag them into the correct order.
The member in the first row of the table (highlighted in orange) will be the member who is asked first. Every member below that member will be set to pending status.
Let's say you have three female vocalists that perform with your band: Vanessa, Emma and Holly and you want them to be asked in that order. For this to happen you need to make sure Vanessa is in the top row followed by Emma and then Holly.
You assign a preference order in the exact same way as you would assign a member. Your groups show at the bottom of the selection dropdown. When you click add to event, Band Pencil will automatically add your members and chain them together.