Member Portal help guide

Band Pencil's Member Portal is a platform designed for members to manage their events, update their information, confirm their attendance, submit invoices, sign contracts and sync their events with their personal calendar. In this help guide, we will explain how to use each of these features in detail, so you can make the most of this tool.

In this guide we will cover the following:

  1. How the Member Portal works
  2. Logging into the portal
  3. Viewing your events
  4. Confirming your attendance
  5. Viewing the account profile & updating your information
  6. Worksheet & viewing other musicians
  7. Submitting invoices
  8. Signing a performer contract
  9. Viewing files and setlists shared with you
  10. Syncing your events with your personal calendar

1. How the Member Portal works

The Member Portal operates on a parent-child relationship model, allowing members to conveniently access all of their gigs across different groups using a single login. This is achieved by linking the various user accounts that the member is associated with to an overarching account, which is established upon their first enrollment in Band Pencil and is associated with their email address.

Each of the member's accounts maintains its own distinct set of information, and the administrator of a given user account is unable to view or access any of the other accounts that the member belongs to.

To ensure the security of your portal, it is advisable to change your login link every week using the reset button located on the portal dashboard within the portal settings tab.

2. Logging into the portal

We use magic links to login to the Member Portal. This means there's no need to create an account and no passwords to remember. It makes it easier for you and for your administrator. Navigate to the Login Page (link in the footer of Band Pencil's homepage), enter your email address and we'll send you a link to login.

3. Viewing your events

To view an event, from the dashboard or band profile, click on the View Event button. You will be taken to the event page which will display all the relevant information. 

Administrators can hide events from you, so if you ever get a warning that you do not have permission, you'll need to contact your administrator to get them to give you access.

You get access to non-sensitive information this includes:

  • Role(s) (this might be your instrument)
  • Event status
  • Event date
  • Event timings
  • Setup/ Soundcheck
  • Services
  • Location
  • Food
  • Dress code
  • External mic use
  • Number of guests
  • Playlist information
  • Client company and name (this can be hidden by the administrator)
  • Description
  • Setlist information
  • Other members listed on the event
  • Finance information
  • Any shared files

4. Confirming your attendance

From the dashboard, account profile, or event page simply click Available or Not Available. The administrator may receive an email to let them know of your submission. 

To change your attendance from the event page, click on your current attendance status and you will be able to update it there. The administrator may receive an update email.

5. Viewing the account profile & updating your information

On the right-hand side of the dashboard you will see a section labelled Member of. Select the account you want to view and click on the link. On this page you can see all your upcoming events, any shared setlists, any shared files, a report of all the events and a place to update your information.

To view your personal information: Click on the tab which is called Your Information.

To edit your personal information you will see a button labelled Update Information, click this button and a popup will appear. You can edit your information and submit to update.

Information you can update: 

  • Your name
  • Email address*
  • Address
  • Payment details
  • Tax and company details
  • Phone number
  • Email preference

Each account which is linked to you keeps your information separate from one another, so if you are a member of several different accounts you will need to update each record accordingly.

*This will update the email address you receive emails to. To change your portal login email, you will need to do this on the Your Information tab on the dashboard of your Member Portal.

6. Worksheet & viewing other members

To download a worksheet, navigate to the event and click Download Worksheet at the bottom of the page. It will generate a PDF with all the event information in.

To view other members, click on the Members tab on the event page however, our administrator may have hidden this feature.

7. Submitting invoices

Prior to submitting an invoice via Band Pencil, it is necessary to first provide your availability and ensure that your payment and address information is saved in the system. The system will not allow invoice submission without this information.

If you need to invoice for expenses or other agreed-upon costs, you have the option to include a value in the additional fields box. If required, you can also add a tax percentage to this value.

See point 5 above to add your tax number and/or company number to an invoice - your administrator can do this for you.

You have the option to submit your own PDF invoice, which your administrator can review. Once your administrator marks your invoice as paid, you can obtain a receipt.

By accessing the All Events tab on the dashboard, you can view all events assigned to you, search and sort the table, and filter events by a specific month and year (e.g. Oct 2023). You can export this information.

8. Signing a performer contract

If you are required to sign a performer contract, a box labeled Agreement will appear. To sign the agreement, select View Contract, which will display the terms and conditions. At the bottom of the page, you will have the option to sign the contract, provided that you have set your availability status to available.

After signing, you and your administrator will receive an email containing a PDF copy of the agreement, which you can access and download from the Member Portal. We recommend you keep this email and your signed agreement safe so you can reference back to it if needed.

9. Viewing files and setlists shared with you

Your administrator may have shared files and setlists with you on the Member Portal. To view these, navigate to the dashboard and on the right-hand side of the dashboard you will see a section labelled Member of. Select the account you want to view and click on the link. On this page you can see all your upcoming events, any shared setlists, any shared files, a report of all the events and a place to update your information. Click on the tab which is called Shared Setlists or Shared Files. You will then be able to view files and setlists which have been shared with you.

10. Syncing your events with your personal calendar

You can sync your Band Pencil events via subscribing to your unique calendar URL. This URL can be found on the dashboard of your Member Portal and by clicking Link to Personal Calendar.

Once subscribed, most calendars (Google Calendar, Office365, Apple Calendar) periodically sync with Band Pencil’s servers. When they sync varies from calendar to calendar, but on average events are synced every 24 to 48 hours. Unfortunately, there’s nothing we can do to get events to sync quicker. To learn more please refer to this help article.

Events you have said you are not available to will not be synced.

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