My subscription payment has failed

There's several reasons why your subscription might have failed, but in this article you will learn how to revive your subscription. If at any point you need help, please contact us and we'll happily help you revive your subscription.

Your subscription failure has usually been caused by one of the following:

  • A billing error caused by your bank
  • A change in your billing address
  • Insufficient funds on your account
  • Your card has expired

How to pay a failed subscription invoice:

If you have insufficient funds in your account, or a billing error occured please follow the steps below once you have rectified the issue.

  1. Navigate to your billing page and click Manage Billing
  2. On the Stripe Customer Portal, scroll to the bottom and click on the invoice that has a Failed tag next to it.
  3. This will open your invoice and from this page you can pay the invoice to revive your subscription.

How to update your card, or billing address:

If your card has expired, or you have changed your billing you can update this from your Stripe Customer Portal.

  1. Navigate to your billing page and click Manage Billing.
  2. From here you can add a new card, or change your billing address.
  3. Once updated, scroll to the bottom and click on the invoice that has a Failed tag next to it.
  4. This will open your invoice and from this page you can pay the invoice to revive your subscription.

What happens?

When a payment fails we lock your account until the subscription has been paid. We retain all your data and attempt to take payment a few more times before cancelling your account.

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