We're taking positive action against Climate Change.
In 2021 we moved our all of our servers to a completely carbon free (powered by 100% renewable energy - no vague carbon offsets) hosting company. We also try and use services who share a strong desire to take action against Climate Change.
All of our employees work from so we like to encourage them to think about their carbon footprint too. We promo switching to a green electricity supplier, such as Ecotricity, or bulb and recommend using compostable coffee pods when possible!
As a business we work with Ecologi to fund Gold Standard sustainability projects and the planting of carbon-cancelling trees all over the world.
In our eyes, achieving carbon neutrality of our hosting isn’t the end goal, it’s the barest minimum first step. The planet is fast-approaching a global disaster, and merely being able to say that as a business we’re not actively making that process worse is wholly inadequate.
This is why we’re always looking for new initiatives to contribute to both lowering carbon emissions and actively work to improve the environment beyond simply negating our business footprint.
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