Change Log

A list of Band Pencil product updates by date.

09 September 2024

Email merge tags can now be used within email templates. Read our support article here for more information:

19 July 2024

Contract 'Sign By' date.

You can now add a sign by date to a client contract to request the contract is reviewed and signed by a certain date.

This date will be displayed:

- In the email when selecting 'Email Contract' from the event manager page.
- Displayed on the contract view page on the Client Portal.
- Displayed on the Client Portal dashboard.

By default no date is selected, but if you select a date and want to remove it set the date to '01/01/0001'.

When adding a contract by the new event automation you can now set a 'Sign By' date. This is the number of days the contract is due from the date the automation was ran.

08 July 2024

Member Invoices report now breaks down invoice fee and additional costs.

Reporting dates have been extended to show more events/revenue/member invoices.

05 June 2024

Bug Fix: A new update has been released that appears to resolve the problem of being unable to update event information or email members and clients. This issue was triggered by a recent Apple update.

This bug was also changing the event status to cancelled and in some cases removing event timing information.

Please contact support if you are still facing this issue.

24 May 2024

You can now insert images from a URL into emails. The images must be publicly accessible, such as those from your website.

You can also now add text and background colours as well as quotes to text!

23 May 2024

You can now toggle to show/hide the song information on the setlist builder page.

The member's address will show when search for a member to assign to an event to aid in selecting a member who may be close to the gig location.

09 May 2024

Issue fixed relating to contracts (both client and performer) showing incorrect '$' sign.

02 May 2024

All users are now able to set whether the event status displays on the Client Portal. By default it does, but you can turn this off on the event settings page.

28 April 2024

We have added the option for you to collect referral sources on the lead capture form. We display this as 'How did you hear about us?'. You can hide this, but by default it is displayed.

This field will not auto-populate into Band Pencil for two reasons. 1) Some users may want to code the referral source as an 'online enquiry'. 2) As this is a free text field some users may want to group it as a different referral source, e.g. the user may write 'we hear you perform at X event', and you would code this as 'hear us at a previous gig'.

19 April 2024

Email templates are available when emailing clients and members.

17 April 2024

Time format has been corrected on the member and admin worksheets to correctly show the time in either 24 or 12 hour format.

05 April 2024

You can now bulk updated member invoices to paid from the event manager page on the member's tab.

22 March 2024

We've made some improvements to the calendar so it displays on a mobile device.

21 March 2024

You can now assign a due date to a task.

You can now assign and set a task due date as soon as a task is created.

16 March 2024

We've updated the referral source field on the event manager page to allow you to add and manage referral sources more easily from the event page.

15 March 2024

You can now password protect the Client Portal.

12 March 2024

You now have the option to just see the events you manage on the Your Upcoming/Past Events page.

23 February 2024

Client Contracts: The signature has been enclosed within a dashed border to provide additional clarity.

21 February 2024

Launched Account Insights page. This can be found from the reports page.

Update to account reports page.

13 February 2024

Page numbers has been added to the following PDF exports:
- Client Contract
- Performer Contract
- Worksheet / Member Worksheet
- Client Invoice

Invoices (online and PDF) now shows with a format separator e.g. £1,000.00.

11 February 2024

Contact Notes has been renamed to 'Other Information' on the client record. This is because notes can now be made separately for clients records.

New client record titles added: Mx.

10 February 2024

Default service fee is now displayed on the event finance tab so you can track your total default fee for the services offered for an event.

UI changes to the form editing page.

Small changes made the to embed form page to remove the navigate away warning and a Powered by Band Pencil link appears to promote transparency.

Renamed 'Shortlisted Services' to 'Services you're interested in' on the lead capture form.

'Additional Notes' has been renamed to 'Any additional notes' on the lead capture form.

21 January 2024

Member Availability has been renamed to Availability Responses. This column shows the number of members who have responded (whether yes or no). The table now shows how many members have said no as well.

19 January 2024

Both the email requesting authorisation to sign the contract and the confirmation once a contract has been signed emails have been updated to show minimal Band Pencil branding.

- The Band Pencil logo has been removed.
- On behalf of (your name) has been added to the bottom of the confirmation email.
- 'Band Pencil' has been removed from the email subject and replaced with the contract name, e.g. Contract Signed: Contract Name and Signature Requested: Contract Name.

17 January 2024

You can now change the button colour for the lead capture form.

21 November 2023

You can now set to receive a billing email notification and email receipt for your subscription.

17 November 2023

You now have the ability to set a form response to processed or not processed to help keep track of your responses.

15 November 2023

Two new event statuses have been added:

Withdrawn - The event status indicating a voluntary removal or retraction. It signifies a decision to withdraw from the event, often initiated by one of the involved parties.

Not Won - This status reflects the outcome of a competitive situation where you were not selected for the event.

13 November 2023

The lead capture form now checks whether your client already exist in your account. If they do, we will assign them to the event rather than creating a new client.

You can now assign an existing location to an event which uploading events into Band Pencil. Read more on our 'how to import' support article.

03 November 2023

You can now lock a user's account to prevent them from logging into Band Pencil.

We've made some updates to the servers Band Pencil runs on.

01 November 2023

You can now hide the event on the Member Portal when assigning members to an event.

Client Portal last seen date is displayed on the event management page alongside the first seen date.

27 October 2023

You can now view when a file or contract has been viewed or downloaded in the audit log.

Invoice progress indicator on the member invoice page.

29 September 2023

m4a file types are now supported for song file uploads. Maximum song file upload has changed from 10 MB to 15 MB.

27 September 2023

On the event page you can now click the event status to update it.

The client contract Agreement section has been updated to display a signature, name and date section. PDF audit history has also been updated. This has no impact on the contract or signing process, it is just a layout change.

14 September 2023

Location will dynamically change on the event page when adding and updating an address.

08 September 2023

Event manager is now displayed on the all events page and a flag has been added on the dashboard.

26 August 2023

Event notes now pull through to the client record.

Todo items are now tasks.

21 August 2023

You can now create notes on a client record.

You can now add todo items from a client record.

11 August 2023

You can now send a welcome email to the new member giving them access to their Member Portal when you add them to your account.

09 August 2023

Pending Musicians has been updated to Pending Members. Offer Accepted has been added as an event status

Gig pipeline has been launched. To view, go to your events page and click View Pipeline in the top-right.

02 August 2023

New pie chart on the reports page to show your referral sources.

Minor changes to the settings page layout.

When changing the default image for invoices and emails you can now see a preview of the new image.

Improvements have been made to the events settings page to improve the usability of toggles and help text has been updated.

21 July 2023

Bug fix which was preventing some users from adding and editing email templates.

18 July 2023

The Lead Capture Form has been moved to it's own page. Collected leads will also be reported on this page.

28 June 2023

Admin users now have the option to remove certain information from appearing on the event worksheet. This includes: Show event information, Show client information, Show event description, Show member notes, Show private notes, Show setlist, Show members and Show equipment.

Email content and stats can now be viewed directly in the event page in a preview widget. Click Preview next to the email subject to view.

Events that span across multiple days will continue to be displayed on the dashboard and events page until the end date has passed.

Event notes now display on a worksheet.

Worksheet generation bug fix.

27 June 2023

Users can add a custom form text to their Lead Capture Form (Enquiry Form).

26 June 2023

Enquiry Form (Lead Capture Form) now supports a custom title, background color and text color.

05 June 2023

New event manager page launched.

New Client Portal launched. Ability for Ultimate users to add a branded header.

02 June 2023

Loading improvements made to the Member Availability Overview report.

30 May 2023

You can now add a link to a song, so you can link to files, videos or anything else.

20 May 2023

Email Templates are now sorted A-Z.

05 May 2023

Member Availability Overview report now available to view from the left menu.

You are now able to search the Band Builder Overview report.

15 March 2023

Dark mode added - this is current in dev mode, but you can enable it at the bottom of the settings page.

14 March 2023

Settings and event settings pages have had a small update to make it clear to account admins and users to see what settings they are not able to view or modify.

Account holders are now able to set user level permissions for: Client Finances, Client Contracts, Client Portal, Event Reports, Emails.

09 March 2023

Update to invoices (both PDF and online) to align layout and add invoice number to a more visible location.

07 March 2023

You can now add multiple todo items by separating them using a semicolon (;). For example, Create the invoice; Send the invoice; Create the contract; Send the contract.

26 February 2023

Users now have the ability to add an invoice display ID. This allows users to give their invoices their own custom ID. The ID will display at the bottom of the online and PDF invoices.

23 January 2023

You can set the event status when adding a new event from the dashboard.

20 January 2023

Bug fix on the Member Portal so members can update their phone number.

Members can now edit their emergency contact on the Member Portal.

13 January 2023

Layout update to the all events page.

11 January 2023

Setlist page updates:
- Small design changes.
- Ability to upload multiple files to a song.
- Ability to delete song files.

Improvements to the setlist live view.

08 January 2023

Update to setlist page to see more easily your song notes and song files.

31 December 2022

Users on a free trial will now be able to add more than one user to their account.

30 December 2022

Event status is now shown on the band builder overview page. Cancelled events will display the row in a light red.

If a client need to communicate a change, or if something doesn't look right, they can send a note via the Client Portal. The note will be sent to the event manager via email and saved in Band Pencil for future reference. The client will also be copied into the email.

22 November 2022

Bug fixed to allow date selection on the event page.

When selecting songs to add to a setlist, if the song is already in the setlist it will display at the bottom in a new options group.

18 November 2022

Event notes added to event backup report.

11 November 2022

1. You can now assign todo items to your team. They will receive a notification when you do so.
2. You can see all your todo items (including completed items) on the todo list page.

The event page has had a major update. Here are the updates:

Searching members is now done as you type. This is how we’ve managed to make the event page much faster. The results will load as you search, by default results are ordered alphabetically!

We’ve tidied up the additional information too:
- In Event - the member is already assigned in the event.
- Available to Assign - the member isn’t in this event and isn’t on another event on the same day.
- On Another Gig - the member is assigned on another event on the same day.

You can now see the check out status of each piece of equipment assigned.

You can bulk check out all equipment assigned to that event. The assigned to field will default to the event name and Id.

Contracts are now have their own tab next to finances.

We’ve made it much easier to search your locations, services, clients and files.

You can now add notes to an event! Take notes about the event to keep track of important info. Notes are private to just you and your team.

07 November 2022

Ability to change the text shown on the Member Portal before a member submits an invoice. Option added to the event settings page.

04 November 2022

Archived members will no longer be able to see any information relating to your account (including events) on the Member Portal.

02 November 2022

General improvements to the calendar.

Users have the option to either toggle between service or default colours. By default, your account will show default colours.

Default colours:
Will show colours depending on the status:

- Blue: enquiry
- Green: confirmed
- Orange: any other event status

Service colours:
Will display colours depending on what the user has assigned each service colour.

You can set a custom color for a service on the service edit page. This color will display on the calendar. If you have more than one color they will all display in a striped pattern.

28 October 2022

Users can now set who owns the event and who manages the event.

Owner: This is the user who booked the event (marketing lead). If none set, the user who added the event will be set as default. Manager: The is the user who will receive notification emails relating to this event.

The user page has been revamped so you can download a list of events the user owns/manages events.

17 October 2022

Administrators can now see the original email that was sent via Band Pencil.

14 October 2022

Members can now add tax (e.g. VAT) to their fee via the Member Portal. This is for users who are VAT registered and need to charge the administrator tax on an invoice.

12 October 2022

Auto Book emails are now saved in Band Pencil.

10 October 2022

Band Pencil Ultimate LAUNCHED!

07 October 2022

You can now record who checkout equipment.

Barcode scanning ability added to assigning equipment to an event.

05 October 2022

Members display alphabetically by instrument and then by attendance on the event page.

Barcode field added to inventory.

Ability to check items in/out added to equipment page.

01 October 2022

Member Portal bug fix when displaying members.

You can now select all members or clients when using the bulk mailer.

28 September 2022

New update to the event page.

When emailing a client from the event page and you select copy me in, you will be copied into the exact email the client receives.

26 September 2022

You can now search events, clients and members from the left sidebar.

23 September 2022

Email templates has been moved to the account presets section. Previously it was found in the settings page.

Google Map shows on the event page so you can check the address shown.

Ability to search events, members and clients from the left-hand menu.

22 September 2022

Link provided in the new form entry email to allow the respondent to make changes to the entry.

21 September 2022

Event page changes the following dropdown options now sort A-Z:
- Locations
- Clients
- Forms
- Services

16 September 2022

Users can now change who manages an event by clicking on the user name on the event page and selecting a new user.

13 September 2022

Calendar subscription link bug fixed to correctly show multidate events.

02 September 2022

Member Portal event information page has been updated to include the following:
- Description and timings are now on a different tab.
- Support for performer contract (when they are launched).
- Venue location has its own section inc. Google Map.

19 August 2022

Users can now change the term Musician to their own term. E.g. Entertainer, Technician, Engineer etc.

Musician Portal has been renamed to Member Portal.

Member Worksheet has been updated to version 2.0.

Musician Notes field on the event page has been renamed to Member Notes.

24 July 2022

Make the event invisible/visible to all musicians assigned to an event with a click of a button.

Record whether invoice has been sent to the client via the event page.

22 July 2022

Sending emails to groups error fixed.

19 July 2022

You can now edit form responses.

Embedded forms now have a white background.

05 July 2022

Updates to the reporting page.

01 June 2022

You can now upload multiple files for each song.

Multiple files will display across Band Pencil for each song.

No header image will be displayed for invoice status update emails sent Band Pencil for users on premium plan.

Band Pencil's terms and conditions clause removed from contracts and place in the page's footer.

Updated wording in emails send when clients request confirmation before signing and after signing a contract.

06 May 2022

Confirmation needed before deleting a contract.

Confirmation needed before deleting an invoice.

You can now set a default invoice logo.

You can now click "Email Contract" to pull up an pre-written email.

Dashboard finance reports now shows ex. tax.

When adding an event from the dashboard Band Pencil will show the total invoiced preview including tax.

File upload limit reduced from 50 mb to 10 mb.

Musician Portal text not wrapping fixed.

03 May 2022

Changes to finances report (expenditure and totals) on event page.

28 April 2022

Invoice legacy fields have been removed from Band Pencil (1 month later than planned). Transaction due date and status should be set on the invoice.

Duplicate event function has been updated.

Changes to band builder layout.

Invoice backup can now be downloaded from the settings page.

10 April 2022

Toggle whether to enable Band Pencil Pay on each individual invoice.

If a payment through Band Pencil Pay is cancelled a notification message appears to the client saying "No payment was taken. You can pay online by clicking Pay Now at any time.".

30 March 2022

You can now format email templates to include rich text.

Update to email preview on the event page.

Update to single email to musician - option given to select whether musician receives event information or not.

29 March 2022

Bug fix on band builder overview page. Extra instruments will now display.

Extra instrument(s) will now display next to the musician's name to make it easier to see.

Option added to invoice settings on the event page to send an invoice via email. This will open the client message modal and pre-populate invoice for you to send.

25 March 2022

Option to turn on or off the ability for a musician to submit an invoice from the event page.

09 March 2022

Option to change "Additional Costs" to musician invoices.

Dietary requirements now display when you assign a musician to an event.

Events can now be over multiple days.

26 January 2022

Updated functionality to musician message.

Updated functionality to client message.

Update to Client Portal: Clients can now see when there are no invoices, contracts and files.

The dashboard now shows 24 upcoming events an increase of 10 from 14.

Import function launched in beta. Import events, musicians, clients, songs and venues with a CVS file.

21 January 2022

Improved event email design to avoid large gaps between paragraphs.

15 January 2022

Changes to the Client Portal.

Toggle whether the contract visible on the Client Portal.

07 January 2022

You can now add multiple contracts to an event and set whether the contract can be signed and whether the contract shows the event information.

You now set the invoice paid status and due date on the invoice and not on each charge.

You now pay for the whole invoice and not just individual charges with Band Pencil Pay.

Musician Notes field has been added to the event. It is only visible to you and the musicians. The new field will show on both the event worksheet and musician worksheet.

21 November 2021

UI updates to Client Portal.

Add a new location when adding an event.

Edit todo item from the dashboard.

UI improvements to the event page.

Forms has been released to premium users.

Referral sources has been added - you can now keep track of where your clients found out about you.

12 November 2021

Changes to settings, event settings and billing pages.

Removed trading name from the footer of emails. Previously "Sent From Your Name (Trading Name)", now "Sent From Your Name".

30 September 2021

Users can now upload musician's invoices to Band Pencil.

02 September 2021

Edit a song from inside the setlist.

Export setlist to PDF.

20 August 2021

Calendar and musician's calendar has been updated to include more information.

07 August 2021

You can now check in and check out items in your inventory.

You can now export client's contact information to vCard format.

03 August 2021

You can now add dietary requirements to a musician's profile and a musician can edit this on the portal.

09 July 2021

You can now add custom colours to the calendar for different services. To edit the colour, navigate to the service, click edit and a colour palette will be displayed.

New fields added to event.

24/12 hour time has now been successfully rolled out across the whole site.

You can now add tax to a musicians fee.

Company and tax/vat number can now be added to musician's invoices.

Musicians can now submit their own invoice through Band Pencil. This can be viewed on the musician's invoice details page.

03 June 2021

Update to worksheets.

26 May 2021

You can now sort the submitted musician reports by event date.

24 May 2021

You can now send an email notification when you process a manual invoice.

Musician Portal now supports date sorting.

Event reminder emails to musicians will only be set to users who are stated as available and where the event is visible to them.

21 May 2021

You can now select which musicians you want to email on the event page.

Change whether an event is visible on the Musician Portal.

20 May 2021

Clients can now see all other upcoming events from the Client Portal via a link at the bottom.

More setlist labels and option to add information about song arrangement.

Event status flags added to Musician Portal dashboard and account overview page.

End of change log.

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