Knowledge Base

Knowledge base and support articles to help you get up and running with Band Pencil.
If you still need help drop us an email.


Changing the contract confirmation email

Limitations in changing the contract confirmation email.

Amending the contract header and footer text

By default, Band Pencil will display a header and footer for each contract. The header and footer sits either side of your contract terms and conditions.

Contract merge tags

A merge tag is a bit of code that allows you to insert dynamic data into your contract. For example, the field Client Name can be used as a merge tag with {{client_name}}.

How to create a performer contract (contract between you and your members)

Set a contract between you and the musicians you assign to an event.

How to create and send contracts to clients in Band Pencil

How to create and send contracts to clients in Band Pencil.

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A better experience for your members, musicians, crews and clients
and fewer headaches for you. You’ll be set up in minutes.